Friday, May 11, 2012

iPad Keyboard Tricks

Trick1: Lock Upper Case key
Want type lots of upper case letters? You can double click on the Shift key and it will keep locked. Click again will unlock it.

Trick2: Split keyboard
Sometimes use two thumbs is better than index fingers. Just slide the keyboard outwards using your fingers, you can split the keyboard which is easy for two thumbs to type.

Trick3: Move keyboard up and down
Press the keyboard button and move up and down.

Trick4: Insert period followed by a space by tab Space bar twice
Tired of finding the period key at the end of each sentence. You can double tapping Space bar instead. It will insert a period and followed by a space. Convenient!

1 comment:

  1. This is really helpful for beginners who are still starting to get to use keyboard ipad accessories. Thanks a lot!


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